ELearning courses Shop

Below is the list of available eLearning courses sections.

Buying courses is easy!

Click on the category of your interest. In the list of courses in the category, click directly on "Buy" on the course that interests you, Or access the detailed course file (where you will find the course programme, teachers, recipients, informative references and other information), choose the number of courses and click "Buy".

Don't know what an online course looks like?

Also on the detail page, under the "Buy" button, you can click on "Try a demo". The course of your interest will be activated for free. You will be able to log in with the credentials you will receive and take the course up to log in with the credentials and see the course up to 20% in duration. If you like it, and if you feel comfortable with an online course, you can purchase the course and continue from where you arrived in the demo.