The educational rigor of the eLearning platform

What are the technical and methodological features of our eLearning platform that guarantee the educational rigor of our eLearning courses?


An eLearning system uses a specially designed IT platform to organise online training, deliver courses, catalogue and archive results, and manage the user community.


Worker training on health and safety at work carried out using the 'eLearning' methodology is governed by the State-Regions Agreement of 21 December 2011, where the courses for which its use is permitted and the criteria and technical conditions that allow the use of this methodology are precisely indicated.


The Agreement specifies that eLearning uses the IT platform as a tool for the realisation of a dynamic learning pathway that enables the learner to participate in educational and training activities in a virtual community.


The quality and effectiveness of an eLearning system depends both on how the platform is built and how the course is produced.

  • The course must be able to communicate clearly and effectively:
  • the lecturer must use clear and comprehensible language;
  • the content presented must be easy to read;
  • in-depth films must make the examples they refer to clearly understandable;
  • in-depth documents must enable the user to augment the basic information provided by the course;
  • the learning assessment tests must present questions designed in such a way that they are easily comprehensible, appropriate and inherent to the contents of the lessons and set out in a random manner to ensure that the same tests are not proposed to different users and if the user fails them
  • the duration of the course must meet legal requirements;
  • the duration of the course must be measurable in an effective manner, by recording how long it takes the user to view the various components of the course, without applying any 'invented' coefficient.


The teaching activity on the eLearning platform must always be assisted by an eTutor who is available to the trainees to assist them in the teaching process.


Reporting of user activity in electronic format allows for statistics and analysis of course progress by the e-tutor and the trainer.


The eLearning system is designed to offer the maximum didactic rigour technically possible.
All course content must be viewed in full by the user in order to be taken for granted by the system.
There are self-assessment tests distributed throughout the course.
Passing of the in-progress and final tests only occurs with the sufficiency percentage considered necessary for the type of course (at least 80% correct answers) by the user. This system check cannot in any way be bypassed by the user.
Where necessary for certain types of courses, written user exercises must be provided which must be checked by the e-tutor before allowing the user to continue or close the course.


The platform is software stable and relies on suitably structured IT infrastructures (24-hour service continuity, suitable back-up and recovery systems, supplementary and alternative connectivity in the event of line failures or traffic peaks) and, at the same time, extremely secure to guarantee the protection and confidentiality of the personal data processed.


The company that uses eLearning for the training of its workers must undertake to

  • make suitable and necessary equipment available to the user for the use of the course
  • ensuring that this takes place during working hours
  • ensuring that only the registered user attends the course


This eLearning platform allows the possibility for a supervisory body to carry out online verification activities on each user. The course administrator has the possibility of checking the user's training status at any time, by accessing the user's "LOG" data, i.e. the number of times he/she has logged into the learning system with date, time and duration of the connection; the courses, learning units and individual parts of the course performed with the data for evaluating the effectiveness of the course performed.